Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. This Privacy Statement explains our information management practices on http://www.emsconsulting.ca

We are committed to protecting your privacy whether you are browsing for information or conducting business with Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting. The handling of all personal information by Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting is governed by rules of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), govern all aspects of personal information, including its collection, use, disclosure, retention, and secure destruction.

If you choose not to use the Internet to provide personal information to Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting, you may contact us by telephone, fax, mail, or in person.

Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting is responsible for maintaining and protecting the personal information under our control.

Identifying Purpose
Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting will identify to an individual the purposes for which personal information is collected at or before the time the information is collected. Generally, Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting collects personal information for the following purposes:

  • to meet any legal and regulatory requirements

However, there may be other circumstances that require such information to be collected and used.

Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting collects the following personal information from individuals during the course of normal business activities. This information may include name, title, function and general contact information.

This information may be used to:

  • Better understand an individual’s interests in our services and programs.
  • Develop, enhance or improve services and programs.

Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting routinely collects anonymous, non-personal information through our Web servers. This information is not associated with or traced back to an individual. Gathered electronically, this information includes the type of Web browser used, number of times a page is accessed, length of time on a page and the Internet Protocol address. This information may be used for research and analytical purposes, to examine how the Web site is being used and to determine how it can be improved.

An individual’s knowledge and consent are required before Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting is allowed to collect or use his or her personal information. Where possible, Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting will obtain consent directly from the individual concerned at the time of collection. After having provided consent, an individual has the right to withdraw consent at any time by providing reasonable notice to Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting.

Limiting Collection
Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting collects only the information that is necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention
Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting does not use personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with an individual’s consent or as required by law. Once personal information is no longer required to fulfill the identified purposes or other legal requirements, it will be destroyed, deleted or made anonymous.

Environmental Monitoring Solutions & Consulting does not provide or sell personal information to third-party organizations. Personal information is retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes stated in this policy.

Safeguarding Personal Information
Personal information, whatever its form, will be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. The safeguards will protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. The measures of protection include:

  • Physical measures, such as – locking filing and restricting access to offices during off hours.
  • Organizational measures, such as – security passes and limiting access to the personal information.
  • Technological measures, such as – the use of passwords and encryption.
  • Procedural measures, such as – the shredding of sensitive personal information.